Detox Support Tools

Detox Support Tools

Detox Support Tools

The detox support tools included here are to be used in conjunction with all of the seasonal detoxes. They all help eliminate toxins from the body, and/or help to boost your immune system. In addition, they can be good habits to develop and include in your day to day routines.

Lymphatic System Support:

  • Contrast showering is so easy to do and requires no extra purchases! In the shower, alternate between hot and cold water to support lymphatic drainage. The hot water brings blood flow to the skin’s surface while the cold water directs blood flow inward to the organs. Three minutes of hot water, one minute of cold, three minutes of hot, and so on always finishing with cold water. 
  • Use sesame oil to massage your body. Sesame oil is great for balancing the nervous system and relaxing the body for a good night’s sleep. It also supports cleaning the lymphatic system. 
  • I cannot say enough about dry skin brushing. It is easy to do and your kidneys will thank you for it. Skin brushing supports your lymphatic system, kidneys, and liver and has been shown to reduce toxins by 25% in the body. You can skin brush in the morning before your shower and at night. Read more about it here.

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt baths should be a tool you take advantage of during this program. Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is wonderful for:

  • Detoxifying the liver
  • Lessening muscle cramps.
  • Adding magnesium to your body, one of the most important minerals for sleep, healthy bowels, and brain function.
  • Improving nutrient absorption.
  • Easing stress and improving sleep and concentration.

Here’s how to make an Epsom salt bath:

  • Add 1 cup of Epsom salts, ½ cup baking soda, ½ cup sea salt to a warm bath. You can also add a few drops of essential oils, such as lavender.
  • Soak for at least 30 minutes.
Bath Tub

Bentonite Clay Bath

Bentonite clay, composed of volcanic ash, is known for its ability to absorb and remove toxins.

  • Dissolve ½ cup of Epsom salts in warm water. Mix ½ cup bentonite clay in ½ cup of warm water and stir until clay is dissolved. Add the clay to the bath and then soak for 20 minutes. You can add the essential oils of your choice.
  • Alternatively, you can ingest bentonite clay, which is great for cleaning out the GI system of pathogens. Add 1 teaspoon to water and drink 45 minutes away from any supplements.

Castor Oil Pak

The castor oil pack is another inexpensive way to naturally support your detoxification pathways.

Rub castor oil on your stomach, your liver (right side), and your upper abdomen. Some people prefer to soak a cloth, towel, or old shirt in the castor oil, wrap the pack in plastic wrap, and then apply over the desired organ. You can lay a hot water bottle or heating pad on the top of the pack and relax as you release toxins. It is recommended to apply a castor oil pack for 35-45 minutes 1-3 times a week during detox.

Tongue Scraping

I suggest scraping your tongue daily in the morning and before bed. This method removes the mucus and toxic buildup in your mouth. Use a tongue scraper or a spoon to reach to the back of your tongue, pull forward, and scrape off the white film, then repeat. My favorite tool is Dr. Tung’s Tongue Cleaner. You can buy this on Amazon or at your local health food store.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is so easy to do. Oil pulling removes unwanted bacteria and yeast from the mouth. If you are doing both oil pulling and tongue scraping, I suggest you start with the oil pulling. You can use coconut oil. To do oil pulling:

  • Put 1-2 tablespoons of oil in your mouth
  • Swish the oil for 5-20 minutes
  • Spit the oil into the trash to avoid it hardening and clogging up your sink
  • Rinse your mouth with water and sea salt, then brush your teeth and scrape your tongue.


Do not be scared when you see the word enema. This is a simple way to clean the colon of wastes, such as bacteria and yeast.

If you prefer to have a colonic done for you, find an experienced Colon Hydro Therapist in your area. You can also do an enema at home when you have some alone time on the weekend.

According to there are two types of enemas:

  • The cleansing enema is retained for a short period of time until your natural peristaltic movement eliminates both the water and the loose fecal material. It is used to gently flush out the colon.
  • The retention enema is held in the body for longer. For example, the famous “coffee enema” is retained for approximately 15 minutes or can also be left in and absorbed. Coffee enemas are an example of short-term (15 minute) retention enemas. They were made popular by Max Gerson, who used them with cancer patients to open the bile ducts and increase bile flow, helping to rid the liver of impurities.

Examples of cleansing enemas:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar in Water – Helps with viral conditions and clears mucus from the body. These are great if you suffer from nasal congestion or asthma.
  • Burdock Root – Helps to eliminate calcium deposits and purify the blood.
  • Catnip Tea – Relieves constipation and congestion brings down a high fever.
  • Lemon Juice – Just what you need to clean the colon of fecal matter, balance its pH, and cleans the system.

Examples of retention enemas:

  • Coffee – A coffee solution (we mean a good organic breakfast blend, not decaf or instant) stimulates both the liver and the gallbladder to release toxins (15 minutes only). It helps to clean the colon walls and speeds up the detoxification process.
  • Minerals – This one helps rebuild the energy of the adrenals and the thyroid.
  • Probiotic – This is perfect for candidiasis and other yeast infections.
  • Red Raspberry Leaf – High in iron, great for the eyes, and particularly helpful for women.

Each enema requires a slightly different method, but the results for each are great.

If you would like to purchase a home enema kit with instructions, visit

For more information on the benefits of enemas, visit:

Deep Breathing

This form of breathing resets your nervous system. Inhale slowly through your nose, and hold the breath for seven seconds (or as long as is comfortable for you). Then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat five times. Make the inhalation longer than the exhalation to increase energy, and make the exhalation longer than the inhalation to promote relaxation.

Advanced Deep Breathing for Purification

In the yoga world, there is a term called Prana, otherwise known as energy. The breathing exercises below help to distribute, circulate, and move your Prana.

We are all energy. The more you can circulate the flow of energy in your body, the less emotionally and physically congested you will be.

As we have learned, the lungs are vital for releasing toxins both emotionally and physically. Learning how to use stress relieving techniques such as these below will help you to clean out your body naturally and reset your nervous system. Here are the specific types of deep breathing as taught by Baba Hari Dass:

Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Exhale all air gently, close right nostril with thumb and inhale slowly and deeply through left nostril. Close left nostril with ring finger and exhale slowly and gently through the right nostril. Inhale through the right nostril and continue alternate nostril breathing for 10 rounds, increasing to 40.

Agnisara Dhati (Fire Wash)

Inhale, then exhale all air. While holding breathe out, pull diaphragm up and toward backbone, release it suddenly and repeat in and out movement for as long as breath can be held without strain. Inhale gently. Do 3 rounds of 30 pulls, increasing to 10 rounds of 60 pulls.

Ashvini Mudra (Horse Mudra)

Inhale completely and hold breath. Contract and release the anal sphincter (mula bandha) rapidly and repeatedly while holding the throat lock (jalandhara bandha). Hold the breath as long as exhalation can be slow and controlled. Do 3 rounds of 30 pulls, increasing to 10 rounds of 60.

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